Doug's research blog - Sanity checks

by Douglas Burke on 24 October 2012

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Before extracting spectra, let’s do some sanity checks.

Background flares

Chandra observations can be affected by “background flares”; that is periods of time when the particle background is not constant (for more information see the ACIS Background Memos page from the Calibration team). This flaring need not be a problem for analysis of bright point sources, but as we are interested in faint, extended emission it is worth checking the high-energy light curve for signs of variability.

Since ACIS has essentially no sensitivity above 9 keV, we chose to look at the 10 to 12 keV data, which is created by the particle background, for the ACIS-I0 and ACIS-I2 chips (these are the two that lie close to the group).

% punlearn dmextract
% dmextract "1655/repro/acisf01655_repro_evt2.fits[ccd_id=0,2,energy=10000:12000][bin time=::500]" opt=ltc1
% dmlist cols
Columns for Table Block LIGHTCURVE
ColNo  Name                 Unit        Type             Range
   1   TIME_BIN             channel      Int4           1:45                 S/C TT corresponding to mid-exposure
   2   TIME_MIN             s            Real8          97141592.4202499986: 97163977.9086109996 Minimum Value in Bin
   3   TIME                 s            Real8          97141592.4202499986: 97163977.9086109996 S/C TT corresponding to mid-exposure
   4   TIME_MAX             s            Real8          97141592.4202499986: 97163977.9086109996 Maximum Value in Bin
   5   COUNTS               count        Int4           -                    Counts
   6   STAT_ERR             count        Real8          0:+Inf               Statistical error
   7   AREA                 pixel**2     Real8          -Inf:+Inf            Area of extraction
   8   EXPOSURE             s            Real8          -Inf:+Inf            Time per interval
   9   COUNT_RATE           count/s      Real8          0:+Inf               Rate
  10   COUNT_RATE_ERR       count/s      Real8          0:+Inf               Rate Error
World Coord Transforms for Columns in Table Block LIGHTCURVE
ColNo    Name
2:    DT_MIN               = +0 [s] +1.0 * (TIME_MIN  -97141842.420250)
3:    DT                   = +0 [s] +1.0 * (TIME  -97141842.420250)
4:    DT_MAX               = +0 [s] +1.0 * (TIME_MAX  -97141842.420250)

Plotting up the count rate gives us the following (since I use the “virtual” columns DT_MIN and DT_MAX to plot up the time since the start of the observation, I have to work around a bug in Crates in CIAO 4.4 which means the data needs to be re-shaped to exclude garbage values):

% chips
Welcome to ChIPS: CXC's Plotting Package
CIAO 4.4 ChIPS version 1 Tuesday, June 5, 2012

chips-1> cr = read_file("")
chips-2> xlo = cr.get_column("dt_min").values
chips-3> xhi = cr.get_column("dt_max").values
chips-4> xlo.shape
         (45, 2)
chips-5> xlo = xlo.reshape(45*2)[:45]
chips-6> xhi = xhi.reshape(45*2)[:45]
chips-7> y = cr.get_column("count_rate").values
chips-8> dy = cr.get_column("count_rate_err").values
chips-9> add_window(8, 5, "inches")
chips-10> add_histogram(xlo, xhi, y, dy)
chips-11> set_plot_xlabel(r"\Delta T (s)")
chips-12> set_plot_ylabel("Count rate (s^{-1])")
chips-13> set_plot_title("10 - 12 keV lightcurve for ACIS-I0,I2")
chips-14> set_axis("all", ["label.size", 20, "ticklabel.size", 16])
chips-15> set_plot(["title.size", 20])
chips-16> set_plot_ylabel("Count rate (s^{-1})")
chips-17> print_qindow('qbg.png')
NameError: name 'print_qindow' is not defined
chips-18> print_window('qbg.png')
chips-19> quit()
The light curve of the 10 to 12 keV particles in the ACIS-I0 and I2 chips looks consistent. This can be compared to the background lightcurve created below from source-free regions of the detector.

The light curve of the 10 to 12 keV particles in the ACIS-I0 and I2 chips looks consistent. This can be compared to the background lightcurve created below from source-free regions of the detector.

Source Detection

Using the binned-by-2 data from yesterday, let’s get a source list since we can use it as a more accurate source location, and for identifying a source-free region for analysis later on.

For this I shall use the wavdetect tool provided in CIAO, roughly following the running wavdetect thread.

% cd qimg
% punlearn mkspfmap
% mkpsfmap broad_thresh.img broad.psfmap 1.4967 0.393

The PSF map isn’t interesting visually - it basically shows that the PSF increases as you move further away from the aimpoint - but we can get an estimate for the PSF size at the location of the group:

% dmstat "broad.psfmap[sky=circle(7:16:44.3,37:39:55,2"")]" cen- sig-
    min:	3.2938494682 	      @:	( 4961.5 3699.5 )
    max:	3.3122434616 	      @:	( 4963.5 3697.5 )
   mean:	3.3030492663 
    sum:	13.212197065 
   good:	4 
   null:	5 

So at 1.5 keV the PSF size (at which the enclosed energy fraction is 39.3 percent) is about 3.3 arcsec.

Since I am using the whole ACIS-I array here, I include the exposure map to reduce problems at the gaps between the chips, and use a range of scales to better model the extended emission from the cluster (even though we are not interested in this emission here). Note that I do not go above a scale size of 64 to avoid a known bug with large scale sizes in CIAO 4.4; for the analysis presented here, which does not use data near the cluster, the lack of these large scales is not a problem.

% punlearn wavdetect
% wavdetect broad_thresh.img src.fits scell.fits wimg.fits wbkg.fits \
      scales="2 4 8 16 32 64" psffile=broad.psfmap regfile=src.reg \
% ds9 broad_flux.img -region ../1655/repro/acisf01655_000N003_f1.fits \
      -region color white -region src.fits -log -pan to 4950 3700 \
      wimg.fits -cmap b -region color blue -region width 2 \
      -region src.fits -scale mode 99.5 -pan to 4950 3700
The white ellipses on the left/blue on the right show the sources detected by wavdetect. The image on the left is the broad-band (0.5 to 7.0 keV) image, with green lines indicating the chip edges, and the image no the right is the wavelet-reconstructed source image, shown with a log scale to highlight the extended emission around the source of interest. I was slightly surprised to see this extended emission, but it’s a nice confirmation that I am not imagining things. Since the source lies right next to the chip edge I am not going to use this reconstruction for charecterising the source emission.

The white ellipses on the left/blue on the right show the sources detected by wavdetect. The image on the left is the broad-band (0.5 to 7.0 keV) image, with green lines indicating the chip edges, and the image no the right is the wavelet-reconstructed source image, shown with a log scale to highlight the extended emission around the source of interest. I was slightly surprised to see this extended emission, but it’s a nice confirmation that I am not imagining things. Since the source lies right next to the chip edge I am not going to use this reconstruction for charecterising the source emission.

Looking at the source list, restricting to close to the group, I find three sources - since

% dmlist "src.fits[pos=circle(4950,3700,250)]" counts

and some of the source properties are

% dmlist "src.fits[pos=circle(4950,3700,250)][cols pos,ra,dec,src_significance,net_counts,net_counts_err,r,rotang,psfratio]" data
Data for Table Block SRCLIST
ROW    POS(X,Y)                                 RA                   DEC                  SRC_SIGNIFICANCE     NET_COUNTS           NET_COUNTS_ERR       R[2]                                     ROTANG               PSFRATIO
     1 (     4778.0714285714,     3766.2142857143)       109.2164132207        37.6746305192         4.9632539749        12.4653091431         3.7416591644 [       10.0189418793         9.7587423325]        17.4122447968     0.73306226730347
     2 (     4962.7345679012,     3700.7592592593)       109.1845457936        37.6656490623        15.8159770966        70.0091934204         9.0000047684 [       45.8681144714        22.9423046112]       117.1847610474         1.6089938879
     3 (     4898.2777777778,     3864.8333333333)       109.1956322045        37.6880859683        12.2616348267        32.9132995605         5.9160809517 [        9.3221349716         5.0649147034]        18.7779579163     0.43097385764122

so the source location (the second row in the table) is RA=109.1845457936 degrees and Dec=37.6656490623 which we can convert into sexagessimal notation:

% chips
Welcome to ChIPS: CXC's Plotting Package
CIAO 4.4 ChIPS version 1 Tuesday, June 5, 2012

chips-1> import coords.format as fmt
chips-2> fmt.deg2ra(109.1845457936, ':')
chips-3> fmt.deg2dec(37.6656490623, ':')
chips-4> quit()

so RA=7h 16m 44. 3s and Dec= + 37o 39’ 56", and we can use dmcoords to find it’s location on the ACIS-I array:

% dmcoords broad_flux.img ../1655/primary/pcadf097142619N003_asol1.fits 
dmcoords>: sky 4962.73 3700.76
(RA,Dec):     07:16:44.291    +37:39:56.33   
(RA,Dec):      109.18455       37.66565 deg
THETA,PHI          7.809'        206.76 deg
(Logical):        1006.61        433.63
SKY(X,Y):         4962.73       3700.76
DETX,DETY         3246.13       3667.75
CHIP ACIS-I0       993.50        220.96
TDET              3281.96       4138.50
dmcoords>: quit

A source-free light curve

Now we have a source list we can try creating a source-free lightcurve. First we need to increase the radii of each source to make sure we are excluding as much of the source signal as possible whilst retaining some background; for this I use a scaling factor of 3, which I’ve found to give good results in the past:

% punlearn dmtcalc
% dmtcalc src.fits src.excl3.fits expr="R=R*3"
% dmstat src.fits"[cols r]" sig-
    min:	[ 2.6729438305 1.8822516203 ] 	      @:	[ 13 13 ] 
    max:	[ 47.656509399 28.958713531 ] 	      @:	[ 47 52 ] 
   mean:	[ 15.450465941 9.6179984495 ] 
    sum:	[ 942.4784224 586.69790542 ] 
   good:	[ 61 61 ] 
   null:	[ 0 0 ] 

% dmstat src.excl3.fits"[cols r]" sig-
    min:	[ 8.0188312531 5.6467547417 ] 	      @:	[ 13 13 ] 
    max:	[ 142.9695282 86.876144409 ] 	      @:	[ 47 52 ] 
   mean:	[ 46.351397655 28.853995456 ] 
    sum:	[ 2827.435257 1760.0937228 ] 
   good:	[ 61 61 ] 
   null:	[ 0 0 ] 

Now we move back up a level and create a filtered copy of the event file which we can use to extract a light curve.

% cd ..
% dmcopy 1655/repro/acisf01655_repro_evt2.fits"[ccd_id=0,2,energy=500:7000]" ccd02.fits
% dmcopy ccd02.fits"[exclude sky=region(qimg/src.excl3.fits)]" tmp.fits
% ds9 tmp.fits -bin factor -bin about 4700 3900 -smooth -cmap b
The 0.5 to 7.0 keV source-free emission from ACIS-I0 and ACIS-I2. It is likely that the exclusion region around the group should have been larger, but overall this image looks quite flat.

The 0.5 to 7.0 keV source-free emission from ACIS-I0 and ACIS-I2. It is likely that the exclusion region around the group should have been larger, but overall this image looks quite flat.

% punlearn dmextract
% dmextract "ccd02.fits[exclude sky=region(qimg/src.excl3.fits)][bin time=::500]" opt=ltc1
% chips
Welcome to ChIPS: CXC's Plotting Package
CIAO 4.4 ChIPS version 1 Tuesday, June 5, 2012

chips-1> add_window(8, 6, 'inches')
chips-2> make_figure('[cols time,count_rate,count_rate_err]')
chips-3> set_axis(['ticklabel.size', 16, 'label.size', 20])
chips-4> set_plot_title('0.5 - 7.0 keV background for ACIS I0 & I2')
chips-5> set_plot(['title.size', 20])
chips-6> print_window('')
chips-7> quit()
The backgronud light curve shows a similar shape to the particle flux; it is perhaps slightly-higher at the start of the observation and levels off half-way through, but the change is small, a by-eye estimate suggests a change of at most 0.05 counts s^{-1}, so for now I shall use all the data rather than trying to time filter it to remove background flares.

The backgronud light curve shows a similar shape to the particle flux; it is perhaps slightly-higher at the start of the observation and levels off half-way through, but the change is small, a by-eye estimate suggests a change of at most 0.05 counts s − 1, so for now I shall use all the data rather than trying to time filter it to remove background flares.

A radial profile of the group

We canuse the exposure-corrected image to get a quick look at the radial profile of the source using dmextract:

% cd qimg
% punlearn dmextract
% dmextract broad_flux.img"[bin sky=annulus(4962.7,3700.8,0:200:2)]" qprof.fits opt=generic
% dmtcalc qprof.fits qprof2.fits expr="RMID=(R[0]+R[1])/2"
% chips
Welcome to ChIPS: CXC's Plotting Package
CIAO 4.4 ChIPS version 1 Tuesday, June 5, 2012

chips-1> add_window(8, 6, 'inches')
chips-2> add_curve('qprof2.fits[cols rmid,sur_bri]')
chips-3> log_scale(Y_AXIS)
chips-4> set_curve(['', 'none'])
chips-5> set_plot_xlabel("Radius (pixels)')
   File "<ipython console>", line 1
     set_plot_xlabel("Radius (pixels)')
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

chips-6> set_plot_xlabel("Radius (pixels)")
chips-7> set_plot_ylabel("photon cm^{-2} s^{-1} pixel^{-1}")
chips-8> set_axis('all', ['ticklabel.size', 16, 'label.size', 20])
chips-9> set_yaxis(['offset.perpendicular', 60])
chips-10> set_plot_title('Radial profile of group candidate (0.5 to 7.0 keV)')
chips-11> set_plot(['title.size', 20])
chips-12> print_window('qprof.png')
chips-13> quit()
The radial profile shows obvious emission out to \sim 30 pixels, which is \sim 15 arcsec, and possible emission out to \sim 100 pixels, although that could just be me reading too much into the data. A proper analysis would use the counts image, with the chip edges and other sources excluded from the profile. Note that the nearest two sources in the wavdetect output are \sim 175 and \sim 195 pixels away.

The radial profile shows obvious emission out to  ∼ 30 pixels, which is  ∼ 15 arcsec, and possible emission out to  ∼ 100 pixels, although that could just be me reading too much into the data. A proper analysis would use the counts image, with the chip edges and other sources excluded from the profile. Note that the nearest two sources in the wavdetect output are  ∼ 175 and  ∼ 195 pixels away.

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All content © Douglas Burke 2012.
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